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Adson Suction Tube 4mm Dia 21cm

Rizbain Surgical is the best leading Manufacturer and Supplier of Excellent Quality Suction Tubes, such as Frazier Suction Tubes, Frazier (Fergusson) Suction Tubes, Pool Suction Tubes, Yankauer Suction Tubes, Cooley Suction Tubes, Adson Suction Tubes. All these Instruments are made with Surgical Graded Steel as per International standards.

Adson Suction Tube With Luer-Lock Strait 4mm

Rizbain Surgical is the best leading Manufacturer and Supplier of Excellent Quality Suction Tubes, such as Frazier Suction Tubes, Frazier (Fergusson) Suction Tubes, Pool Suction Tubes, Yankauer Suction Tubes, Cooley Suction Tubes, Adson Suction Tubes. All these Instruments are made with Surgical Graded Steel as per International standards.

Ayer Chalazion Forceps With Screw 9cm German Stainless Steel Ophthalmic Surgical Instruments eyelid Forceps

The Ayer Chalazion Forceps with Screw, made from premium German stainless steel, are specialized ophthalmic surgical instruments designed for precise and effective eyelid procedures.

Cooley Suction Tube 30cm

Rizbain Surgical is the best leading Manufacturer and Supplier of Excellent Quality Suction Tubes, such as Frazier Suction Tubes, Frazier (Fergusson) Suction Tubes, Pool Suction Tubes, Yankauer Suction Tubes, Cooley Suction Tubes, Adson Suction Tubes. All these Instruments are made with Surgical Graded Steel as per International standards.

Cooley Suction Tube 31cm

Rizbain Surgical is the best leading Manufacturer and Supplier of Excellent Quality Suction Tubes, such as Frazier Suction Tubes, Frazier (Fergusson) Suction Tubes, Pool Suction Tubes, Yankauer Suction Tubes, Cooley Suction Tubes, Adson Suction Tubes. All these Instruments are made with Surgical Graded Steel as per International standards.

Cooley Suction Tube 35cm

Rizbain Surgical is the best leading Manufacturer and Supplier of Excellent Quality Suction Tubes, such as Frazier Suction Tubes, Frazier (Fergusson) Suction Tubes, Pool Suction Tubes, Yankauer Suction Tubes, Cooley Suction Tubes, Adson Suction Tubes. All these Instruments are made with Surgical Graded Steel as per International standards.

Langenbeck Bone Elevator, 23cm, 10mm, Blunt, Strong Curve

Rizbain Surgical is Proudly Manufacturing and Supplying an Excellent Quality Raspatories and Elevators, such as Cottle Periosteal Elevators, Goldman Septum Fracture Elevators, Freer Raspatories, Massing Elevators, Periosteal Elevators, Obwegeser Raspatory, Yankauer Septum Elevators, Williger Raspatory, Nasal Fracture Elevators, Freer Double Periosteal Elevator Sharp-Blunt, Converse Periosteal Elevator/Raspatory, Boies Nasal Fracture Elevators and Cottle Raspatory Knife.

Massing Elevator 22cm

Rizbain Surgical is Proudly Manufacturing and Supplying an Excellent Quality Raspatories and Elevators, such as Cottle Periosteal Elevators, Goldman Septum Fracture Elevators, Freer Raspatories, Massing Elevators, Periosteal Elevators, Obwegeser Raspatory, Yankauer Septum Elevators, Williger Raspatory, Nasal Fracture Elevators, Freer Double Periosteal Elevator Sharp-Blunt, Converse Periosteal Elevator/Raspatory, Boies Nasal Fracture Elevators and Cottle Raspatory Knife.

Nasal Fracture Elevator, 17cm, 7mm, Blunt

Rizbain Surgical is Proudly Manufacturing and Supplying an Excellent Quality Raspatories and Elevators, such as Cottle Periosteal Elevators, Goldman Septum Fracture Elevators, Freer Raspatories, Massing Elevators, Periosteal Elevators, Obwegeser Raspatory, Yankauer Septum Elevators, Williger Raspatory, Nasal Fracture Elevators, Freer Double Periosteal Elevator Sharp-Blunt, Converse Periosteal Elevator/Raspatory, Boies Nasal Fracture Elevators and Cottle Raspatory Knife.

Obwegeser Raspatory 17.5cm

Rizbain Surgical is Proudly Manufacturing and Supplying an Excellent Quality Raspatories and Elevators, such as Cottle Periosteal Elevators, Goldman Septum Fracture Elevators, Freer Raspatories, Massing Elevators, Periosteal Elevators, Obwegeser Raspatory, Yankauer Septum Elevators, Williger Raspatory, Nasal Fracture Elevators, Freer Double Periosteal Elevator Sharp-Blunt, Converse Periosteal Elevator/Raspatory, Boies Nasal Fracture Elevators and Cottle Raspatory Knife.

Otorhinolaryngology ENT Surgical Instrument Kit Good Quality Affordable

Made from durable, medical-grade stainless steel, each tool offers reliability, longevity, and ease of sterilization, ensuring optimal performance in clinical settings. this ENT instrument kit delivers excellent value without compromising on quality, making it a must-have for healthcare professionals seeking an affordable yet dependable surgical toolset.